Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Fall And Rise

My tweet about the near miss has created curiosity among those who cared to follow it. People! people! people! What will I do without you ? What will I be without you? Or what all I would'nt have been? My purpose my frustrations fame and fortune is of you. Majority who read my tweet were curious . A few read between the lines I wrote within the confining word count of twitter. What ever be the reader's deduction . Many stories abound about the incident. I must elaborate on a promised story on twitter and the original version. Those who know me will know I am no regular blogger. No blogger at all. I have noticed most film stars' twitter and FB accounts are the"Mirror mirror on the wall " kind . To the few who might rise indignantly to refute, sorry I did not mean you guys...... . Any way can't blame me for  wanting a  mirror on my digital wall. Hence the promise to share the story of the fall. What I thought was the end my story turned into another story to be told. Thankful as I am, The show must go on..

So, I guess on the 14 of July . I decided to go to my office at 10 pm . Not an everyday occurrence  but nothing odd either. Gautami decided to play mom instead of my lover partner that night . She was not keen on that trip nor did she approve me going either. I climbed the steps of my Eldams road office, wondering if I should cut the tree branch which has taken advantage of my green world attitude and is cruelly weighing  on my old office building.  We don't take care of nature , it takes care of us...  if we don't  F around with it. I guess I was Fooling around with it ;) . I went on to climb the stairs to the third floor thinking of my 3 films to be completed within 70 days of shooting . Our meticulous planning would make that possible, Just 45 days to go. If we pull it off it would be a new record at least in my company history. 3 full films in Hindi Tamil and Telugu. I had reached the 3rd floor of my 112 year old office building It belonged to my father, brothers and my only sister. Now to me. I saw G had sat down at the top of the flight of open stairs leading to the first floor , nose to her phone . Probably a video game or texting friends. She looked up " Want me to come up ? she asked. Full of myself and my films I must have nodded. I could see her get up with a sigh in my perpheral vision. I walked across the large open terrace. My play ground , my danger lab  My take off point of tarmac and cement for dreams of sex sex art and wealth. Where I played all the dangerous games for boys. I lived in this house since I was 5.  I walked to the very back of the house and found that secret sunshade. The  cement sunshade where,  when I was 16 smoked cigarettes without my mom knowing . CIGARETTE SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH. (Sorry my central certification board meetings PTS) Back to:  The vantage  cement perch with a a view and a butt disposal facility . I can chuck my extinguished butts right  into my neighbours back yard and exhibit A disappears

The poor teatotaler  must have be studying for his, IAS exams while his parents,suspected him of smoking. The neighbor then ( House behind mine not beside.) is now my friend and will come to know of my little crimes only through this blog. He is an important Tamil writer and hence might understand the crude behavior of a character and let the character dictate instead of him . ( Sorry P.A.KI.-short for P.A Krishnan} Anyway that nostalgia perch had been of solace.  Even when I decided on my divorce. without a cigarette .I had reduced smoking to almost stopping level after my mom was long gone. One of  my favorite poems I wrote here . This special perch had spawned not only a smokers cough but also ideas .   . I swung myself gently onto to the sinshade from the terrace which was 5 feet above it. My palms were placed firmly on the terrace to lower my weight like I were doing parallel bar dips . Only both my hands were in front of me. I gently dropped on the sunshade and my world changed I was falling .

My mind was quick. It had time to realize I was in terible danger Thats a lot of falling it thought . Oh you stupid fool. There goes all you r plan . Think what can you do.  Franticallycurged thebrain Before it could hit upon a idea for survival I had hit the ground . I could hear my right shin bone crack . Oh! My spine next , I thought, when my body careened backwards. Well that is just a small fall  yet, wont crack my spine. I sat with a thump on my coccyx and realized it was not that short a fall. Then my back hit the ground winding me. Silence . Why I fell i didn't know then. No use thinking about it. Got to turn and get up . Turning  was an effort my back near my L 4  5 6 or 3  Damn! It hurt. I managed  to turn  and not all of me turned with me My leg stayed behind in a funny angle but fully and painfully connected to me. I had enough wind to call out " Gautami"  the first attempt was like in the Inji iduppazhaga scene where the heroes wife tries to sing for her husband on her first night and only wind escapes her throat.

My second  attempt though guttural and without panache , was a audible shout. she heard it. I could hear the panic in her voice . I tried saying I am here but my lung refused to cooperate with air to raise a voice. i was lying face down i gave up and ate some mud and tried to spit it out worked only partially. You needed the lung even to spit i thought I was thinking of the height i fell . Oh Shooot  almost 20 feet without beds or air bags .  Am I dying ? Once again i heard G shouting " I am coming" in Telugu. Every man and woman to their tongue when in trauma. if I am dying what language would I talk to G. Oh shut up! I told the drama queen whom I chase away even when i am writing .

G  was running towards me . Hope she doesn't trip and fall in her panic. I was cursing myself for my carelessness pain was searing. fool fool I realized i was saying it loud . Is this what You wanted ? Gautami answered " what i wanted ?  I love you I said again loosing wind She kept repeating .in Teliugu." Entandi idi". Her voice was loosing pitch and swaying into a yodel of deep sorrow.  "Call the ambulance" she shouted to some one. I could hear her shuddering sobs.  My head was reeling now with pain . Wanting to make light of the  situation and to divert her and my attention I said in Tamil. "Check my right leg"

Yeah to is broken …badly she said " I knew my brave lady had returned . The daughter of two doctors was in character now. Pain and confidence returned . The hubris of being alive brought back my  humor. What do you thing of the leg? Edit? I asked  miming scissors   with my fingers . G walked away  with an angry grunt to see what's being done about the ambulance. "Phone Appolo "she gave instructions. 

Well I am alive but G did not find my humor tasteful . I didnt find all the sand I was gathering in my mouth tasteful either. I was slobbering though there was no blood . I checked. Back among the living!. But on what condition ? "Conditions apply my mind quicklyinterjected like an I nsurance advert. I must have slipped for a wee bit into unconsciousness. The ambulance had arrives and they were moving me and bringing back waves of pain. I did not have any wind left in me to scream or moan. All must have assumed I am a lion hearted iron man. With super high pain tolerance . my mind though was screaming . The ride to the hospital was event free but I fell every metre of the travel .  I recognized every speed breaker with my spine and leg . I am not a regular blogger you see . So I will stop here ,assess and let you know  of my Apollo  adventure  after seeing reactions of friends who care . Won't pursue if it sounds silly  and tedious to them I wrote assuming they would like to hear. I have lot of writing to do . If this writing  is not appreciated I better go back to where it is . Got 2 new scripts to finish. 


  1. Oh man..That's a bad fall. Certain things do happen in life for a reason. Maybe this one too who knows. Shall we blame Karma here?

  2. It was so nice of you to share this with us. A fan of your storytelling onscreen, now I am a fan of your writing too. Please share with us your ideas and thoughts. Love you, Sir.

  3. Too good,humorously explained about the pain that you went through AND we too went through on hearing the news then!

    Take care Hero, only you can!


  4. Oh man..That's a bad fall. Certain things do happen in life for a reason. Maybe this one too who knows. Shall we blame Karma here?

  5. Too good,humorously explained about the pain that you went through AND we too went through on hearing the news then!

    Take care Hero, only you can!


  6. Thalaivaa ... please take care ;( ;( started weeping mid way reading this,I am typing this with my hands still shivering .. please please please be carefull _/\_ you mean soo much to us .. your die hard fan from bangalore.

  7. Take care sir.. The world needs you.. Glad that the slip didn't deny the Wodehouse in you.. Keep writing sir.. Humour and music are the only things that matter

  8. Take care sir. I am getting more concerned about your health.

  9. If only you could have used a stunt double in real life sir. Nonetheless flawless writing. The description of this scene is so accurate now I can see how your scripts would be.

  10. Only upside is you added new memories to your terrace and strengthened your legs.. Wish you full recovery..

  11. Age is catching up with you, sir. You still have a lot to deliver for us. You have more films to perform as Hero, then like Shivaji sir did in Thevar Magan, you can do strong character roles in later ages.

    Of course, the cinema needs KH, the writer a lot more. Personally, you are among the top screenplay writers in this country now. So a lot more to do - Please take care of your health.

    -- An extremely concerned fan.

  12. Sir. Please take care of you. After reading your blog I was shocked. Sir please please take care. I also congratulate you for getting Chevalier award. Sir you have to live for 100 more years. Take care sir... your fan from Tirunelveli.

  13. Please Do Write..... We were worried....

  14. Please Do Write..... We were worried....

  15. You need to write more sir. The story carried me off with it. Take care sir, you form a major part of our identity.

  16. 20 feet that would hurt u badly. But all the media fooled as saying that you slipped from stairs. Pls don't do dips in terrace that too at 10 pm. Vathiyaree the ambulance entry reminded me Uttama Villain climax :(

  17. Take good care sir.Hoping to hear from u more... your die hard fan from Malaysia

  18. Physically we can't share the pain but mentally we are sharing. As i always say.. you are a fighter and inspire us. We pray for your health..well being and of course wealth and happiness. Keep writing for us both here and for the big screen. All i could say to you now is after coming out of this ordeal.. Sabhash Naidu ����

  19. Dear Sir,

    Please take care. We need you and please do write.

    We are definitely concerned about your wellness and health.

    You are very important for us, to the society and to the celluloid.

    Wishing you a very very swift recovery...



  20. I remember the day when my friend tried to hide on top of a sun shade in a hide and seek game and fall down unconscious after slipping. His lucky stars worked that day and he regained consciousness and all I could think was "please dont die in my house". That boy was 10 years old. I never thought I would read a rambling account of an almost 60 year old man almost matching it. You have to be kept under constant surveillance to save you from yourself. Quite a character..

  21. Take care Kamal Sir.But for your pain,it was sn enjoyable read. Sumhow, strength illai,vegetarian allava?? Dialogue comes to my mind:-)))

  22. Hey " lion hearted iron man", We all know you always do your best as a creator, for the creations.

    You have different dimensions and you will be back soon with all the different dimensions.

    It is a fall as a normal human, but it is you kamal you will be back soon. Welcome back Lion king. Cheers...

  23. Alvar pettai andavar dhan ungala kapathu athu (U urself n ur self whatever)confidence belief

  24. விபத்தினை விளக்கும் போது கூட உங்களது எழுத்துத் திறமை வெளிப்படுகிறது.தவிர்க்க முடியாதது தான்.தங்களின் பன்முகங்களில் இதுவும் ஒன்றல்லவோ.
    விபத்து விட்டுச் சென்றது என்னவோ சிறு இழப்புகள் மட்டும் அல்ல அது உணர்த்தியிருக்கும் பல பொறுப்புகளையுமே. தொடர்க உங்கள் கலைச் சேவையை முன்பை விட அதிகமாகவே.வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

  25. Good to read sir. You have interestingly and humorously narrated a serious acc(inci)ident. Your sense of humour has always been top notch. Cant imagine the pain you went through. We were all anxious to hear the news that you recovered and finally the day came when you tweeted about it. Thanks for treating your fans with respect sir. Not every superstar does that.
    Wishing you a great success in all your future endeavors.

  26. Sir Can't read this one and understand completely.. I use to read only text book and byheart it... All the best for blogging field...

  27. Sir,

    The moment from your fall to the hospital travel was like a high speed film-watching experience. Both thrilled and sad to read that. Not surprised at the writing at all as this comes from a man who writes screenplay as fast and as rich, as your friend Mr.Ilayaraja composes music!

    Not only this blog, but we have read, seen, enjoyed, got addicted to, and loved the way you explain your life moments, in your interviews! Amazing! So its not a surprise at all that your 1st blog sounds damn interesting!

    Just that, your ardent fans (me too one, but i am not adding me to this list of fans who really put lot of their time and effort and enjoying what you have been telling them(us) to do all these years - welfare!) deserve a positive word from you on Viswaroopam2. That's also a story you promised to tell us!

    We are not excited to know that you are working on 2 more scripts. Becos we know even God(!) can't stop you from your passion, filmmaking! So we are waiting to get excited on screen!

    In btw, kindly continue to tweet and blog and give interviews, as we wud like to see your genius in many forms! Iam one of your fans who have been collecting your interviews for more than 2 decades!

    Wish you Best of work, thalaiva!! You are the only Sun Moon Star in our life!

  28. A humble request from your fans - please get back to work as early as possible and give us that special movie. You know what I am talking about. If you don't let me put it clearly for you. If you think we enjoyed Manmadhan Ambu, Mumbai Xpress or the comedy portion in Uttama Villain, you cant be more wrong sir. These 3 movies were far from what the audience expects from you. Kamal Haasan is known for being a trendsetter. He makes the audience gasp in wonder by making epics like Aboorva Sagotharargal, Thevar Magan, Dasavatharam. We want that Ulaganayagan back. Our worry is you are working with a team which does not know anything about the taste of Tamil/Telugu or Hindi youth, which is the sole factor in guaranteeing success of a movie. Its been ages since your movie songs became genuine chartbusters before the release. Are you aware of this sir? Vishwaroopam became an All time blockbuster but the failure of next 3 movies (except Papanasam to an extent) has made many fans like me wonder if you still have the spirit in you. Prove us wrong sir and I know you are capable of it. We still see people from outside India too, speak about Nayagan, Pesum Padam, Vishwaroopam but even people in our own Chennai know that your last movie's name was 'Thoongavanam'. Are you really happy with the way your recent movies were received? Do you know how many thousand fans like me want to meet you and express their feelings, which is similar to mine?
    Please rethink sir and rise back...That will be the real 'RISE'.

    From a die hard fan of yours who lives and breathes Kamal Haasan.

    1. If you are a fan, be supportive of his ventures like Uttama Villain. UV had the best songs last year. Music and lyrics with lot of depth and novelty. Chartbusters work for songs meant for easy listening.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I am die hard fan of sir. It is the exact feeling of mine.

    4. UV is a sincere film and will be one of all time best of KH. The climax gave me chills which was as same as that of Salangai oli.

  29. Never ever risk ur life for these of Dare things in (o)ur life yet again sir. But kudos to ur writing skills n usage of the language, Everything comes naturally to U. But Be careful sir, நீங்க சொல்ற மாதிரி வாழ்க்கைல ஒத்திகை கிடையாது

  30. Take care sir.. we and the cinema needs you..

  31. Take care sir, get well soon .... U have gifted a pen made of valcano lava to vairamuthu sir for his writing, I wish I could gift U a pen made of thunder. Writing at its best with humor and romcom (btw U n G mam) :)

  32. Sir come back soon.... We r waiting...

  33. Sir come back soon.... We r waiting...

  34. "Entandi idi", please Take care Kamal. We are here.. believing you, we are here.

  35. "Entandi idi", please Take care Kamal. We are here.. believing you, we are here.

  36. 1. When ever i feel down in my life i listen Bharathiyar(Mahanadi) song in you voice.
    2. When i am going from Bangalore to Nagarcoil to attend my grandmother funeral, in the Bus they played VasulRaja MBBS movie, and you made me laugh in that situation too. are doing many thing, my order of likeness Speech,Singing ...
    4. Very less % of Actor / People thinking and talking about common people problem. you are in the top the list.
    still lot to write. not now.

  37. Fear and pain travel together... You override fear to overcome the pain ... Please take care legend ������

  38. You are most welcome to continue writing about your experiences. We will be glad to read. But before that....

    A Single Tweet from you about VISHWAROOPAM2 release will make us Happier. Please consider.

  39. It's very sad take care sir get well soon..I am a cinematographer I never taken photo with any actors. But I wana take with you... Waiting for that time. And more of ur successful scripts on screen. Take care

    Ramesh raaj. DOP

  40. Awesome narration sir, I really felt like experiencing the fall myself. Too good 👍

  41. It's very sad take care sir get well soon..I am a cinematographer I never taken photo with any actors. But I wana take with you... Waiting for that time. And more of ur successful scripts on screen. Take care

    Ramesh raaj. DOP

  42. Awesome narration sir, I really felt like experiencing the fall myself. Too good 👍

  43. Do you have a tamil version sir.Wanted to say,would like it ,but its your pain at the end.Glad to see that that you have recovered and back to business as usaul.

  44. Such a intense article thalivaaa can feel the pain through your words and humour too in such a situation

  45. Oh my...take care ji...we all need you...thanks for sharing this. ..u cared to do that...

  46. Oh No... can't imagine it at all. What a painful moment you went through. Really scarry, yes really. Please take care of you. We need you Thalaivaa. We are with you!

  47. Oh No... can't imagine it at all. What a painful moment you went through. Really scarry, yes really. Please take care of you. We need you Thalaivaa. We are with you!

  48. Ironical .. isn't it.. the same sunshade that was (should I say is, as yet!) a perch of solace is also your nemesis today. You combine pain and humor so well, that is (y)our healing laughter. We laugh at your comedy and share your pain (in thoughts). While we know you are and will be in your road to recovery, share the journey :).

  49. Sir....really i don't know how to explore my feelings...
    பக்கத்து வீட்டு நண்பர் அவரின் வாழ்வில் நடந்ததை சொல்வதுபோல் ஓர் உணர்வு என்னுல்.....
    Whatever it is..please share with US..we r here for U always ...
    அன்பையும் அறவனைப்பையும் வழங்குவதற்கு கோடி கரங்கள் இங்குண்டு...
    அக்கோடிகளில் நானும் ஒருவன் என்பதை ஒரு பாக்கியமாக கருதுகிறேன் ....
    அன்பையும் அறவனைப்பையும் மட்டுமின்றி
    என் உடலையும் உம்மை போல் MMC க்கு தானமளிக்க ....ஆவலுடன் காத்திருக்கிறேன்....

  50. கலை மகாத்மா வின் சுயசரிதை தொடர்ந்து வரவேண்டும்......
    ஆவலுடன் அன்பன் ....
    சுரேந்திரன் நமசிவாயம் 😊

  51. Kamalji.... Please take care about ur healath not for me & fans but for good films.

  52. Sir,
    The scenes just played out while reading the words. But, I did not enjoy the pain that they brought out. Please take care and let the pen flow

  53. Sir,
    The scenes just played out while reading the words. But, I did not enjoy the pain that they brought out. Please take care and let the pen flow

  54. Sir, Oh that sounds like a terrifying experience to read, the pain would have been worse. Please take care and all the very best.

    You mention the building is 112 years old. Interesting archeologist delight. Great to see you are maintaining one such past relic.
    Another blog perhaps? About the history of the building and how it became part of your family legacy.


  55. Well, your narrative power is, as usual, spellbinding. Hoping you a complete recovery very soon, I have to say that I will be, together with the the other host of your fans, waiting for more on this blog. We get to see you in another avatar here :) Also, my sincere request to consider posting your mind-boggling poems here. With all your zest sir, you are an extraordinary person!
    Vighnesh, Mysore.

  56. Sir, Omg, What a narrative..!!! Reading through it was as though, I was going through all of it. It is indeed a real miracle or should i say, your fighting spirit, (that you have always put up) has saved you from the extremities. But then sir, even at these difficult times, your humour sense is at its best foot forward. :-) Thanks much for letting us know. We were really worried. Now we are a happy soul that you are doing fine & is back with a bang. Looking forward to share more of your journey / your thoughts on various issues/ your mind-boggling poetries / your sense of humour etc. through this blog. Keep posting sir. Love you heaps. :-)

  57. Yen sir epadi....m in tears thalaivaa..ur devotee frm singapore....

  58. Get well soon! And do take care of spellings, punctuations in your subsequent blog posts, besides your health ofcourse! Adiyen.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Simply you are naturally (God) gifted person with so much of talents . Every things has a purpose as you said Dasavatharam. You live longest with Peace (you can) of mind.

  61. Sir ! Take a bow for blogging a serious event with the highest level of quality humor and sarcasm . Wishing you a speedy recovery and good luck with the 2 scripts :D

  62. Humor when in pain!!! It shows you are a great soul! You are a truly inspiring person and gift to this world!!! I wish I will get a chance to meet you in person at least once in my life time. Take care sir and thanks for all you are doing for the mankind.

  63. I told my friends...he fell and awarded...sorry

  64. Waiting for your story in Apollo sir. For all your tamil fans please do write your story in tamil too.... it will be great. You inspire us

  65. Kamal ji thanks to god/nature that you have escaped...but wud i become a sadist if i say i am just loving the way u r describing the dreadful incident and cannot bear the suspense....u r a born legend....

  66. Kamal ji thanks to god/nature that you have escaped...but wud i become a sadist if i say i am just loving the way u r describing the dreadful incident and cannot bear the suspense....u r a born legend....

  67. Omg..thank god you are back in one piece..waiting for part 2 of the great fall eagerly...

  68. Omg..thank god you are back in one piece..waiting for part 2 of the great fall eagerly...

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Take care, Kamal! We are waiting for more meaningful films from you!

  71. S..t happens in everyone's life...
    We all brush it off and continue our journey. Good on you to keep moving after.
    So, very well done on that. No use pondering over this here on .

  72. saaar!!!!! unga accident ah kuda oru story ah convert pndringa with humours oda

    ur great but take care of u saar!!!

    we love u lot!!! we need u till the end of this world

    love you saar.....

  73. Neat! Probably a script in making for your next film??

  74. Probably the title could have been rise and then fall!! considering the unfortunate accident! Hope you recover really quick.

  75. When I read that "Kamal sir fell down from stairs and admitted in hostpital"... I was like really!, was that the real thing happened... But now reading this makes a lot of sense. The way you integrated all the side stories in your main story.Wow.... Your really are a "vizha"nayagan (as said by Jayaram sir in panchathantram)

  76. When I read that "Kamal sir fell down from stairs and admitted in hostpital"... I was like really!, was that the real thing happened... But now reading this makes a lot of sense. The way you integrated all the side stories in your main story.Wow.... Your really are a "vizha"nayagan (as said by Jayaram sir in panchathantram)

  77. Sir.. loved ur blog. I cld feel the pain as u described. Time for u to explore writing a novel.. a thriller. U r an amazingly expressive person. Hope u r recovering well.

    Lotsa love and hugs from Shamini, Sruthi, family & me.

  78. Take care sir, keeping blogging and we are love to read

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. வித்தியாசம். வித்தியாசம். அது தான் எங்கள் கமல்ஹாசன். வலியையும் வேதனையையும் இப்படியும் சொல்லமுடியும் என்பதை உங்களின் எழுத்துத்திறமையால் மீண்டும் ஒரு முறை நிரூபித்துள்ளீர்கள். மற்றவர்களுக்கு எப்படியோ... நீங்கள் எங்களுக்கு ஒரு பாரதியைப் போன்றவர். தாங்கள் யஸ்ரா மர்தினியைப் பற்றி (Yusra Mardini - Member of the Refugee Olympic Athletes Team) கேள்வியுற்றிருக்கலாம். அவரைப் போல் தன்னையும் காப்பாற்றிக்கொண்டு மற்றவர்களையும் காப்பாற்றுபவர். வலியோடு எழுதப்படும் எழுத்துக்களுக்கு வீரியம் அதிகம். அதை உணர்ந்தவன் நான். இடைப்பட்ட காலத்தில் உங்களின் எண்ணத்தில் உதித்தவை காலம் போற்றும் காவியங்கள் ஆகும் என்பதில் ஐயமில்லை .

  81. Thanks for this blog sir... It enlightened what happened and even taught a lesson that we need to be prepared for any situation and should be cool enough to handle it. I am amused about how you handled it so cool with your humor sense;) Keep blogging sir we love to read and know more about your personality;)

  82. Sir, thanks for writing this blog. This will make everyone to understand how much pain you would have gone through.
    The way you have narrated each lines made me to feel as if I am seeing all LIVE.Honestly it's an miraculous escape sir. Very eager to hear, no sorry to see your hospital recovery. I am remembering the song from Anbe Sivam "Yaar Yaar Sivam". Pls take good rest and come back double strong sir. Ur diehard Fan from Age 7.

  83. Thanks for this blog sir... It enlightened what happened and even taught a lesson that we need to be prepared for any situation and should be cool enough to handle it. I am amused about how you handled it so cool with your humor sense;) Keep blogging sir we love to read and know more about your personality;)

  84. Vizunthalum Nayagan... Nicely written... Thanks for detailed explanation sir...

  85. That was a hell of a write up and wildly entertaining, sorry about your suffering though. Wish you a speedy recovery.
    You wondered on twitter if blogging is narcissistic. Sir, I, for one feel all true artists are narcissists. Art forms are expressions of narcissism. One cannot refine art without dabbling in narcissistic indulgence one way or the other. And pardon me for saying this sir, some of your silver screen ‘expressions’ themselves have resounding overtones of narcissism.
    I wish you write more here. I look forward to be entertained by your write-ups. And I want to debate with you some intellectual debates, if you are game for it, and certainly not in an attempt to crack that mirror on your digital wall, but see some of its reflections..

  86. Take care God Kamal. After reading this, now I am having pain in spine and leg. Like to read Apollo Adventure. Once I had shaken hand with you, afterwards had dinner without washing my hand and same communicated to all known....

  87. I have broken my right hand & I know the pain. Take care & follow the doctor's advice

  88. ". I can chuck my extinguished butts right into my neighbours back yard and exhibit A disappears"

    Haha sir. Although the tale was grim and scary and understand the pain. Your humour even amidst misfortune is awesome. Loved this part. Wishing my favourite actor and namesake a quick recovery. Waiting for part 2.

  89. Reminds me of of Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Hassan had a great fall. But thanks to doctors who made u rise again.TC.

  90. Reminds me of of Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Hassan had a great fall. But thanks to doctors who made u rise again.TC.

  91. It was scary..take care sir...was very worried once i got to know the news..
    We need you for good cinema and of course your good thought on humanitarian

  92. It was scary..take care sir...was very worried once i got to know the news..
    We need you for good cinema and of course your good thought on humanitarian

  93. It was scary..take care sir...was very worried once i got to know the news..
    We need you for good cinema and of course your good thought on humanitarian

  94. Blog not appreciated?? Are you kidding!? Brilliantly narrated

  95. GODDAMMIT! That's a pretty bad fall:((
    But you hide everything behind humour<3
    And yeah...have always been a fan of your min-min speech.. Now your writing too..,Typical Kamal style! You are always inspiring and uplifting sir.Please don't stop blogging.Rest well 'Sabash Naidu'.. But 'Wisam' aaga viraivil varavum.:)))

    -PRIYANKA RAEMOLLA (Jus another die-hard Kamalian)

  96. Get well soon.I admire your will power.All the best

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Nice to see your blog Sir, scary and painful....Soon we want to see the same youthful Kamal Sir and your creations.
    All the best Sir

  100. Get Well Soon Sir.

    I felt you are distancing your self with normal people nowdays and this write up proves the same

    This write up can be understood by elite people. It is very difficult to undestand by the normal people.

    This could have been written very precise so as to make normal people can understand your feelings.

    Having said this, Looking forward to Viswaroopam 2.

  101. Nice to see your blog Sir, scary and painful....Soon we want to see the same youthful Kamal Sir and your creations.
    All the best Sir

  102. Dear Sir, It was like reading your script. Please continue to blog regularly on various topics. "This special perch had spawned not only a smokers cough but also ideas" poem is awesome.

  103. ஒரு குரும்படம் கண்டதுபோன்ற ஒரு உணர்வு...! சிறந்த எழுத்தாளராக உயர்ந்துள்ளதின் ஏடுத்துக்காட்டுதான். உங்கள் ஆசான் சொன்னதுபோல் உங்களுக்கு Speed Breaker தேவை, ஆகையால்தானோ ஏன்னமோ இப்படி ஒரு இக்கட்டான நிலையில் தள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளீர்கள் ஏன கருதவோண்டிய கட்டத்தில் நாங்கள் தள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளோம். ஏதுவாக இருந்தாலும் ஏல்லா தடைகளையும் கடந்து வரும் மன பக்குவம் உங்களுக்கு உள்ளவரை வாழ்வில் வெற்றி நிச்சயம். Every fall from everyone has a story. It's of interest "How We Fall" than how did we raise back & what did we do after?

    Navas M S
    Abu Dhabi

  104. Every fall from everyone has a story. It's of interest "How We Fall" than how did we raise back & what did we do after?

    Navas M S
    Abu Dhabi

  105. The narration even though describing an unfortunate event is enjoyable to the core. A great craftsman you are and trying to put the best possible always. Your creations will live through ages. But, I have a slight feeling/worry always that you are not celebrated for what you deserve. Also could understand from your gestures that you have crossed all of this. Hope a legend receive love and honour much more than what is given now.

    1. Don't know how to add name. D.Kandavel,unknown @ 4:30....haha your fan.

    2. Don't know how to add name. D.Kandavel,unknown @ 4:30....haha your fan.

  106. The narration even though describing an unfortunate event is enjoyable to the core. A great craftsman you are and trying to put the best possible always. Your creations will live through ages. But, I have a slight feeling/worry always that you are not celebrated for what you deserve. Also could understand from your gestures that you have crossed all of this. Hope a legend receive love and honour much more than what is given now.

  107. Get well thalaivaa. You have incredible mental strength and seen through tougher injuries. But you must also note you're not getting young and your big dreams which has been rubbed hard on us are still waiting for execution.

    Also note your career is at cross roads with your self patronizing interviews, ill advised decisions and remarks you've needlessly backed yourself to a corner. Please take care of your steps and your words we are backing you to the core.

  108. This narration have the k touch, but it's a sad story for us, please complete the ride to Apollo as well

  109. Hi Kamal Sir,

    Well elaborated and with some humor filled which is really not as usual,still take care sir,many good projects/films are waiting from A GREAT LEGEND!!!please write more blogs and share your factory experiences from your life!!!

  110. Sir.. loved ur blog. I cld feel the pain as u described. Time for u to explore writing a novel.. a thriller. U r an amazingly expressive person. Hope u r recovering well.

    Lotsa love and hugs from Shamini, Sruthi, family & me.

  111. As a kid who looked astonished at the admiration you garnered and now as a doctor who could live through those moments ( if not at least to relate to much more than a common man ) , I can sense how terrible it would have been for you , your near and dear sir (p.s ur fans like me included if that s allowed ) it takes lot of guts to relive those painful moments even though it is through your pen this time ( ur keyboard may be ) . ur writing is what makes us connect to u more on the personal front more than ur movies I would say so sir. Pls do continue this work too amidst the many you skillfully handle but just wishing your next post could be something on the happier note . take care sir . respect and much love.

  112. Extra ordinary thalaiva. valiya kooda siripu mootinde solreenga. Keep bloging, niraya therinchika asai padarom.

  113. Being a fan of your writing and acting too, i remember a scene from kaviyathalaivan where sidharth returns and even in bad health Prithvi goes on to stage. Thats the spirit you have towards the odds in your way. Wish you good health and take care my beloved inspiration. Whatever we speak here Atlast the decision comes from that nandha(alavandhan)'s mind is final. The KH i knew never ran away with just one try so keep writing.

  114. Sir, please take care of yourself. You mean so much for us.

  115. Take care sir.some times some of us or like many of us forget to /or by pass self care ,self attention,due to the love towards passionate things and family care......take care sir and best wishes sir.

  116. எழுத்தாளர் சுஜாதாவின் அப்போலோ தினங்களை நினைவு படுத்திய blog! எனக்கென்னவோ தமிழில் எழுதியிருந்தால் இன்னும் சிறப்பாக வந்திருக்குமோவென்று தோன்றியது. மாடியிலிருந்து விழுந்து 'பாடி'யாகாமல் தப்பினேன் என்று க்ரேஸி மோகன் பாணியில் எழுதியிருப்பீர்கள்! விரைவில் நலமடைவீர்களாக!

  117. Thank you for sharing this incident with us. Please be cautious. I hope you feel better soon. Your writing is so amazing,very detailed. I love how you managed to incorporate humor into this serious situation, but I guess that's natural being the comedian you are. You should definitely write more blogs! I am sure everyone will enjoy it.

  118. Take care of your health Sir! Enjoyed your writing.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. When i read it the first time.. it felt nice reading about your memories of that spot but it was a constrained joy because of the turn of events that were going to follow; and by the time i finished i really had a lump in my throat and was teary eyed. Although, you employed your humor for making it less painful for us as well but it hurt when it was supposed to - the fall and what followed after specially when you talk about you pain towards the end.

    You ARE an iron man for coming back up in such a great manner that too so quickly (you survived a 20 ft fall and recovered in 2 months *touch wood*). It hurts like hell.. of course it does, there's no way it wont! but the way you get back makes you LION HEARTED (even i cant resist a touch of drama) but honestly you look better and fitter.

    After reading it more times and keeping my emotions aside, i still feel it a really good blog, please continue blogging. Thanks a lot for sharing so much with us.

    TAKE CARE! Lots of love and best wishes to you, Always!

  121. We love you, Sir. We know that you have utilized this duration for many scripts, etc.
    you are a hard worker we know. waiting for your next vishual treat.
    Siva, Medavakkam

  122. Sir please be careful. U r god to me. U dont know how much i want to be like you. The inner you.

  123. Hi sir... Great to see you back again, rising up holding an chevalier on ur arms! Adore ur writing la nd screenplays a lot, please do blog. And if possible please do release the screenplays of ur movies like Uttamavillian (the bestest script maybe in this century) as books sir. And please rewrite the script of THE BUCKET LIST to bring back the biggest on-screen combination of urself and Rajni sir on screen!

    PS: Please do more sessions/workshops on screenwriting nd directors for young enthusiasts sir... wud love to attend a workshop/session by you on screenplay writing! Hope u are

  124. யானைக்கும் அடி சருக்கும்.

  125. இத்துனை வலியிலும்
    எத்துனை குசும்பய்யா
    உமக்கு ?
    மீண்டு வந்தீரே
    அது போதும்
    எமக்கு ...

    ஆண்டுகள் பல்லாண்டு வாழீர்!

  126. இத்துனை வலியிலும்
    எத்துனை குசும்பய்யா
    உமக்கு ?
    மீண்டு வந்தீரே
    அது போதும்
    எமக்கு ...

    ஆண்டுகள் பல்லாண்டு வாழீர்!

  127. இத்துனை வலியிலும்
    எத்துனை குசும்பய்யா
    உமக்கு ?
    மீண்டு வந்தீரே
    அது போதும்
    எமக்கு ...

    ஆண்டுகள் பல்லாண்டு வாழீர்!

  128. From my college days till date i always followed Kamal Hasan, the trendsetter (dressing, hairstyle,...). But this time i should refrain myself from jumping over sunshades. Jokes apart, i thank God that you escaped the worst. I am happy that our govt.has honored my ever favorite actor KH by giving the chavalier title. After the excellent UV and Papanasam I am desperately waiting for the next film. Lord Shri Balaji, bless him for a rapid and full recovery.

  129. Take care Naidu, pls think before you keep a step forward or else we as fan we left behind steps, if something happens to you. Take care Sirji 😀🙏👍

  130. Only you can do it sir, humour in pain and sorrow

  131. "I had enough wind to call out " Gautami" the first attempt was like in the Inji iduppazhaga scene where the heroes wife tries to sing for her husband on her first night and only wind escapes her throat".... This narration just brings lot of your character to me, we hope that you almost ready to go now.

  132. "I had enough wind to call out " Gautami" the first attempt was like in the Inji iduppazhaga scene where the heroes wife tries to sing for her husband on her first night and only wind escapes her throat".... This narration just brings lot of your character to me, we hope that you almost ready to go now.

  133. The narration is quite interesting and engaging. However it is ironical that KH who looks for 100% perfection in his work has chosen to turn a blind eye to the spell checks in his blog. Wish he had done a proper proof reading.

  134. The narration is quite interesting and engaging. However it is ironical that KH who looks for 100% perfection in his work has chosen to turn a blind eye to the spell checks in his blog. Wish he had done a proper proof reading.

  135. The narration is quite interesting and engaging. However it is ironical that KH who looks for 100% perfection in his work has chosen to turn a blind eye to the spell checks in his blog. Wish he had done a proper proof reading.

  136. தமிழ்ப் பிரியரான தாங்கள் தமிழிலேயே எழுதினால் கவிதை போல இருக்கும். புரியாத மொழியில் தப்பும் தவறுமாக எழுத வேண்டுமா? உங்களுடைய வலி எங்களுக்கு புரிந்தாலும், பரிச்சயம் அதிகம் இல்லாத மொழியில் உங்கள் உரையாடல்கள் தொடர வேண்டுமா? இது நீங்கள் முடிவு செய்ய வேண்டியது.

  137. when the movie vishwaroopam 2 will come.. we are sick and tired fo these blogs from u.. plks concentrate on releasing vr2

  138. Dear Sir,

    Brilliantly written........such a flow with humor on such a terrible fall. Only YOU can do it!
    Always been a great fan, follower on your ideas on "Anbe Sivam" and wishing you all the strength and waiting for that GIANT LEAP yet again!
    Endrendrum Anbudan,

  139. Will the world ever produce a better everything in what ever you are , which is Everything? no.
    Endrendrem Kamal Haasan.

  140. Dear kamal sir , happy to hear from you and great to feel that you have recovered good . Your blog brings in live the scary painful situation through yet another'ultimate special limited edition trademark style of ulaganayan masterclass'.pls comment on your movie release sir we cant wait more...desperate to see our ulaganayagan next avatar ..take care sir long live for more resounding creations.....

  141. Sir, everything is for a good reason... u have risen up.. we are happy for that.u are a grt writer.. if you have time , could you please continue writing this blog. (My personal feel)reading this blog makes us to live in ur life and you with us. More closer.
    Thanks for the idea of sharing this...
    Wish you good health sir.

  142. Please do take care Kamal Sir. This is my first response on your or any blogs...was worried as one of mu family member is injured. Always a fan of your language(s) proficiency.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. Narrating the painful incident like a cinematic climax scene. Thank you for sharing. Great come back from the down-fall. Take care

  145. Please take care of your health sir! Get well soon.

  146. "The G ...the fans" will never let you fall or see you fall sir, neenga varuveenga marubadiyun adhey kamalaaga marubadiyun .... Nadandha sambavathai oru padam pol sitharitha unn pudhumaiyaana blog ...ini blog ku oru pudhu adayalam unnaal ... Neengal blog ezhudhavillai padaithullai ...
    Take care sir ..eppodum ungal ninaivu daan

  147. Instead of wasting my time trying to decide how to address (Sir or Dear Kamal or Thalaiva!)...Wanted to say we are glad to have you back with your sense of humor intact. Just like all the fans here telling you how to act, write, direct, to write in Tamil and of course spell check your English first... I have a different request and things to pick on you. Hope you don't mind. I know you don't because you have grown thick skin long time back!

    We want to see our slim and fit Kamal again. The last if I remember it right, it was 5Thanthiram days. Though you have ventured out to show off the belly in Thoongavanam in the stitching scene, that particular scene made me doubt if it was real or prosthetic tummy - because I didn't want to believe it was my fit thalaivar's trying to bare is skin. So keep aside all these fan requests, your USP is you and we want to see the same old Kamal even if he is 62 years old! Amar Hai, Thalaivar Irukindrar, 5thantiram Part 2, that free movie for stupid distributor/theatre mafia, Rajesh Selva's thriller, that left leaning story you told us all about - all of those can probably wait.

    Request #2 (if you are still reading and I have your attention)...we have seen the best of you when working with other creative minds be it Mani, PC, KB, BR, Baalu, K Viswanaths of that particular era. We would like you to collaborate with new/young creative minds of the current generation as well. Except Gautam Menon, we haven't seen you branch out. Ramesh Arvind and Rajesh Selva don't count - they are considered your company artist, no offense to them or their abilities. We want to see you work with Vettrimaran, Nalan Kumaraswamy, GVM, Karthik Subbaraj to name a few. I understand you tried out with Selvaragavan and Myskin but it didn't work out. Don't let that experience keep you away from these other talented directors. They would bring out a different dimension of you that we haven't seen before - Like how GVM did the intro Gate moodra scene (which probably you didn't like it in first place). We would like you to repeat your magic with Mani and Shankar as well. Is that too much to ask for?

    There is lot more to say, ask, probe but that's all for now.

    Take care thalaiva!

  148. Making us cry and weep is not new for u as u hv done that countless times. Plz do that only thro ur films. V r not strong as u.

  149. Please be careful sir.
    U got lot to do and we got lot to see from u.
    Such unique actor in the world.
    I miss your Indrudu Chabdrudu humour nowadays.
    Can you work something like that sir.
    A scene where you warn vijayashanti by breaking a camera...
    It was superb...

  150. Kangalil neer kumizhudanum nengil suvasam melum kizhum thathumbi irapuku sattru mun thulirtha uyir pol un muzhu neela kattrai kavalaiyai kanugaiyil neram thavara avsara oorthiyai nan vanthiruka koodatha yen thondrugirathu andavare

  151. thank you for your story. we all felt like your friends today. your shared like how a friend will share. bounce back soon with a bank. our request is keeping giving action movies in between. we do miss KB sir's and K.Vishwanath's kind of films from you.

  152. Oh my dear,neighbour (besides yours), feel the tense moments. Thankfully there was G to get you to hospital quickly. You are a treasure to us, please take good care of yourself. You will get well soon.

  153. Kangalil neer kumizhudanum nengil suvasam melum kizhum thathumbi irapuku sattru mun thulirtha uyir pol un muzhu neela kattrai kavalaiyai kanugaiyil neram thavara avsara oorthiyai nan vanthiruka koodatha yen thondrugirathu andavare

  154. hi kamalji! thanks for writing this on the fall and rise!
    when you use its for "who care" it hurts us because the it exhibit bit of the hurt you got... we the world care for you..
    please take care!
    and we the world is waiting for your rise for long in all the way!
    we wish your strong come back by all means!
    We know when you got hit by a van and got bedridden for months you bounced back with Mahanadi.. a pain filled social epic!
    we the world waiting for you to raise like a lion.. king.. empower..
    would like to call you with the same way we call the indrajit to the stage in kalainjan.
    kamalji.. please..think of existing plots other than comedy. please polish your ideas with a team to excel.
    we need film like vettayadu vilayadu .. also.. please come back with bang! we dream you walk with Oscar for an English film of yours!!!!
    Best wishes!

  155. தேடிச் சோறுநிதம் தின்று
    பல சின்னஞ்சிறு கதைகள் பேசி
    மனம் வாடித் துன்பமிக உழன்று
    பிறர் வாட பலசெயல்கள் செய்து
    நரை கூடி கிழப்பருவ மெய்தி
    கொடும் கூற்றுக் கிரையெனப்பின் மாயும்
    பல வேடிக்கை மனிதரை போலே
    நான் வீழ்வேனென்று நினைத் தாயோ? You delivered these lines like anything , please keep remembering it, don't worry, you won't fall here after, take care.

  156. தேடிச் சோறுநிதம் தின்று
    பல சின்னஞ்சிறு கதைகள் பேசி
    மனம் வாடித் துன்பமிக உழன்று
    பிறர் வாட பலசெயல்கள் செய்து
    நரை கூடி கிழப்பருவ மெய்தி
    கொடும் கூற்றுக் கிரையெனப்பின் மாயும்
    பல வேடிக்கை மனிதரை போலே
    நான் வீழ்வேனென்று நினைத் தாயோ? You delivered these lines like anything , please keep remembering it, don't worry, you won't fall here after, take care.

  157. we only wanna see you rise... never to fall agaain! luv yu...cheers :)

  158. Your health and wellness is very important to us...we are learning from your movies, speechs, Brave, life everything.... please take care Sir.... waiting for your movies.....

  159. Please take care of your health sir! Get well soon.

  160. So unfortunate to hear the way you fell down. So many fans in love with you, please take care sir. Hoping to see more trend setting n brain wrenching film like vishwaroopam and of course maruthanayakam(who would forget to mention it!)from you.

  161. Very unfortunate an event to have happened in your life sir, We so many fans in love with you, please take care. Hoping to see more revolutionary films like vishwaroopam from you in future.

  162. విషయం విన్నప్పుడు మా గుండెలు జారిపోయాయి......తరువాత ప్రాణాలకేం ప్రమాదం లేదు..... కాలుకి ఆపరేషన్ చేస్తే సరిపోతుంది అని తెలిసింది...కాస్త ఊపిరి పీల్చుకున్నాం...కాకపోతే మీ మీద కోపం ....ఎందుకంటే, చిటికె వేస్తే ఎందరో సహాయకులు ఉంటారు...మీరెళ్లి ఈ వయసులో అలాంటి సాహసం చేయడం అవసరమా సార్.....మీకేమైనా అయితే మేము ఏం కావాలి? మీ అభిమానులని - సినిమాని అనాధని చేయకండి సార్ ప్లీజ్..............kindly never repeat such adventures for Gos, for you millions and trillions of fans sake ...
    stay healthy...stay safe forever....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......!! We madly love you ......!!

  163. Gosh! It pains as I read through the event. I am in mixed emotions not knowing whether to appreciate your writing or to feel for your pain! Please take care!!!

  164. Dont waste our time..we want vishwaroopam 2


  166. Sir, With all due respects...As a fan of yours for about 41 years of my 44 year life, i was happy to note that you are fine with your humor and emotions and writings. Even though this taught us a lesson to you as well as most of us not to explore things/places we went when young, we could have done it without an injury to you directly and to us indirectly by delaying your lovely movies...I am sure you will work even harder, but that's not what we want you to do. we want you to give us the movies in your style and pace and not hurt yourself.I can understand the pain G or your kids would have undergone...As a doctor's point of view, i am sure you would have co operated with them more that just another patient. :) I hope you would continue to blog as it gives me a view of my Hero's mind first hand not just from films and talks but though his writing.

  167. While reading my mind visualise take care sir

  168. Wonderful post. Do continue writing, but fix the punctuation. Please.

    Look's like Punctuation is Kamal Haasan's Achilles heel!

  169. 'Scripting your act'? even though your humor worked a lot we just prefer "acting your script" - BE CARELESS ONLY IN MOVIES PLEASE ! #For someone who needed your homework!

  170. மிகவும் அருமையாக எழுதி உள்ளீர்கள். அந்த அடி பட்ட வலியிலும் உங்களுக்கு மட்டும் தான் இந்த மாதிரி நகைச்சுவை வரும். நீங்கள் அடிபட்ட அந்த தருணத்தை நினைக்கும்போது மிக பயங்கரமாக உள்ளது. நீங்கள் வலியயை எப்படி தான் தாங்கிநீர்களோ.... தலைவா தலையில் அடி பட்டு இருந்தால் என்ன ஆவது?

    எழதுங்கள். இன்னும் நிறைய எழுதுங்கள். நாங்கள் இருக்கிறோம். நீங்கள் குறிப்பிட்ட படியே உங்கள் ரசிகர்கள் நாங்கள் இருக்கிறோம்.

    R. பாலமுருகன்

  171. Take care sir Malaysia fans always love u

  172. "Conditions apply" Nice... I could enjoy reading it in tamil.

  173. Happy that you are back to form ....

  174. ஐயா,
    நீவீர் என்றும் வீழா நாயகன்.
    உம் ரசிகர்களின் விழா நாயகன்..

    நலம் பெற்று, நாயுடுவை எங்களிடம் சேர்த்து,
    பின் மருத நாயகத்தையும் சேர்ப்பீராக..

    உம் கனவுகள் பூர்த்தியாகும் வரை.. நீர் நலமாய் வாழக் கடவது.!

  175. Sir...Like your screenplay, that bad incident also detaily narrated... please take the required rest and kickoff bigger projects like Marudanayagam, Maramyogi or Thalaivan irukinran!!!!
